Do you need to relocate your refrigerator? Should you be by yourself, you should not endeavor to move it because it could cause bodily harm. I am aware of a someone who attempted to relocate his refrigerator by himself and it resulted in fractured hip bones. Not exactly a great end to the endeavor.
Should the move involve a flight of stairs, you will want the assistance of at least two citizen and a cart or dolly with wheels. Someone else observation is the kind of refrigerator you have. For example, particular door refrigerators are fairly easy to move. Those with two doors, French doors or the side by side refrigerators are somewhat more difficult to deal with.
Samsung 28.5 French Door Refrigerator
Wrap the power cord nearby the steel wires at the rear of the refrigerator and tape it to hold it inn place. The purpose of this is to keep you from tripping on the power cord and falling down. In addition, ensure that the doors will not swing open as you are relocating it. Tape them terminated if you have to just to make certain. But it is best that you do not apply duct tape for this since it can leave a sticky residue and possibly do damage to the refrigerator's finish. Use a tape which may be taken off verily but which will safely obtain it.
Have your helpers support in getting a caster underneath the refrigerator. It will then be much easier to roll to its next location. You should be definite that the refrigerator remains upright. Laying it on its side could ensue in a leakage of oil from the compressor. Should this occur, there could be damage to the refrigerator's cooling system. Further, laying it down into a horizontal position could permit the oil to get into the cooling lines which could work on the cooling.
You should also reconsider affixing Styrofoam to the edges of the refrigerator. You may have put this in the primary box if you still have it. The Styrofoam will safe the refrigerator from damage as you move it. Should you be unable to find the Styrofoam, normal, plastic bubble wrap is just as adequate. Should the refrigerator be qualified with a water dispenser, be definite to obtain it as well. And use the bubble wrap to safe any programmable Led displays which are present.
Instructions on exciting a Refrigeratorfrench door refrigerator replacement refrigerator doors french door refrigerator ratings
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